How to clean your house efficiently - Cleaning Tips

How to Clean your House | Efficient Cleaning Tips

Efficient House Cleaning: 10 Tips to Achieve Your Pristine Home

We all yearn for a clean house, yet the house cleaning process often seems daunting, especially if you were to do it alone. Is there a way to tackle this task swiftly and effectively? Lucky for you, there is!

Worry no more for those unsure of what to dust or vacuum first. We’ve put this comprehensive house cleaning guide to empower you and help you achieve your desired spotless home.

General Cleaning Tips for a Spotless Home

Maintaining a home that gleams with cleanliness doesn’t have to be an exhaustive task. Just follow these home tips for a cleaner and more inviting home!

cleaner is opening the door while carrying a bucket of cleaning tools

1. Embrace Whole-House Cleaning

First, home cleaning should be a holistic approach. Instead of focusing on one room at a time per cleaning session, it’s best to dedicate a cleaning task for each room in your home. Whether dusting, vacuuming, or mopping—allotting a specific activity prevents the feeling of being stuck in a cleaning loop. Varying your cleaning tasks depending on the area of your house spares you from doing the same chores repeatedly.

2. Assembly Cleaning Essential in a Handy Caddy

Maximize your cleaning time by gathering all the necessary cleaning equipment into a caddy or a bucket. This ingenious cleaning approach optimizes the time you have on your hands and ensures easy access to your supplies, as well as little to no disruption in your cleaning routine. Meticulously assembling your paraphernalia eliminates the need to scurry around, searching for tolls during your cleaning time.

Woman checking the checklist of the task done in efficient cleaning tips

3. Tackle Clutter First

Before diving into house cleaning, address the clutter in each room. Clutter is known for accumulating and infiltrating living spaces. Good thing it’s not an impossible challenge. All you need is a good cleaning approach. You can start by evaluating items and piling them into categories such as everyday essentials, seasonal items, keepsakes, projects, and unwanted items or those that need to be discarded. 

man doing professional cleaning service

4. Dust and Vacuum Systematically

Before beginning your cleaning spree, start by thoughtfully switching off any of your appliances that may cause interruptions, electric fans, for example. This pivotal step sets the tone for how well you can immerse yourself into cleaning mode. Make sure to dust and wipe every nook and cranny, leaving no surface untouched in your pursuit of a clean. Pay special attention to furniture tops, undersides of shelves (where hidden dust and debris usually harbor), handrails, knickknacks, and other furniture in sight.

5. Achieve Crystal-Clear Mirrors and Glass

Before beginning your cleaning spree, start by thoughtfully switching off any of your appliances that may cause interruptions, electric fans, for example. This pivotal step sets the tone for how well you can immerse yourself into cleaning mode. Make sure to dust and wipe every nook and cranny, leaving no surface untouched in your pursuit of a clean. Pay special attention to furniture tops, undersides of shelves (where hidden dust and debris usually harbor), handrails, knickknacks, and other furniture in sight.

property management staff members, outfitted in cleaning gloves, are in the process of cleaning tables

6. Sanitize Countertops and Surfaces

Make sure to devote your time to sanitizing your countertops! This step is essential as it highlights the health and safety of those who occupy your home. The use of disinfectants cannot be overstated, especially now, where maintaining cleanliness and reducing the spread of germs is paramount. One of the most effective ways to do this is to concoct a disinfectant solution. There are many home remedies for this so-called “disinfectant,” one of which combines apple cider with water. Now you have a potent elixir on your hands!

picture of a hand with a thumbs-up in a yellow glove against a bathroom background

7. Master Tub, Sink and Toilet Care

Bathrooms are notorious for being bacteria-infested due to the humid and damp environment it is enclosed in. Moreover, stagnant water, soap scum, and other residues on your bathroom floor can lead to unpleasant smells. Consistent cleaning prevents these unsightly and hard-to-remove substances from accumulating over time, preventing the growth of germs and the spread of illnesses, and ensuring a hygienic space for you and your family. 

young woman with gloves on her hands, is sweeping the floor using a mop

8. Sweep and Mop Strategically

Dust and allergens tend to accumulate in corners and hidden spaces. A strategic approach to sweeping and mopping ensures you reach these areas, reducing the potential of harmful particles negatively impacting indoor air quality. Start from the farthest corner, moving towards the exit when mopping to prevent cross-contamination of cleaned areas. Rinse the mop after each 4-by-4-foot area.

Cleaning floor map using Vacuum

9. Efficient Vacuuming Technique

Vacuuming is fundamental when it comes to house cleaning. A thorough vacuuming session removes dust, dirt, pet dander (for fur parents), and other allergens that can accumulate on floors, sofas, and carpets. If incorrectly handled, these particles can cause allergies, respiratory issues, and skin irritations. Moreover, vacuuming eliminates the need for dusting and sweeping, setting the foundation for a well-rounded house cleaning regimen. Cover all carpeted areas in one pass-through, omitting the need to clean every nook and cranny obsessively.

Collection of cleaning tools for the house

10. Maintain Your House Cleaning Tools

Think of it, cleaning your house with unkempt cleaning materials is counterproductive. Maintaining your house cleaning tools is essential for several reasons, as it directly impacts the effectiveness of your general cleaning routine. Remember, cleaning tools that are well taken care of function at their best, ensuring you they can effectively deliver superior cleaning results. 

When your cleaning tools are in good condition, your cleaning routine becomes more effective, resulting in a cleaner and more presentable living space.

Quick Rehash on Our 10 Tips for a More Presentable Home

  1. Dedicated a cleaning task for each room in your home.
  2. Gather all your cleaning tools on one caddy for easy supply access.
  3. Sort your pile into categories.
  4. Don’t forget to switch off your appliances that may hinder your cleaning.
  5. Invest in non-abrasive materials when cleaning mirrors and glass.
  6. Use disinfectants. Apple cider vinegar and water work wonders as a home remedy.
  7. Consistent cleaning prevents unwanted substances from accumulating over time.
  8. Sweep and mop with strategy.
  9. Plan a thorough vacuuming session.
  10. Maintain your house cleaning tools.
young cleaning woman in a checked shirt holding a bucket of cleaning tools.

Great! Now you know our ten unique tips for a better and cleaner home. Time to embrace this step-by-step guide we compiled and unlock the true potential of your cleaning efforts. With this knowledge, you can now pave the way for the immaculate and inviting home environment you’ve always envisioned!

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